Jackie Chan: The Best Of The 70S Movies

Lakwatsera Lovers Top 10 Jackie Chan Movies
Lakwatsera Lovers Top 10 Jackie Chan Movies from lakwatseralovers.blogspot.com

Jackie Chan: The Best of the 70s Movies

Introducing the Legend

Jackie Chan has been a staple in the film world for decades. He has starred in a variety of films, ranging from action-packed blockbusters to low-budget comedies. However, it is his work in the 70s that has cemented his status as one of the greatest martial arts stars of all time.

The 70s Films

It was in the 70s when Jackie Chan made his first major break into the film world. His first two films, Snake in the Eagle's Shadow and Drunken Master, were released in 1978 and 1979 respectively. Both films were revolutionary for their time, blending traditional martial arts with modern comedy. They also featured many of the signature moves and stunts that would become synonymous with Jackie Chan's style of action.

Snake in the Eagle's Shadow

Snake in the Eagle's Shadow introduced Jackie Chan to the world as a martial arts action star. The film follows a young man who runs away from home to learn martial arts from an old master. The film featured a number of innovative fight scenes, including the famous "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow" move.

Drunken Master

Drunken Master was released in 1979 and further cemented Jackie Chan's status as an action star. The film follows a young man who learns the art of Drunken Boxing from an elderly master. The film features a number of impressive fight scenes, as well as a number of comedic elements.

The Legacy

Jackie Chan's films from the 70s have become iconic in the martial arts world. They have been remade and referenced numerous times and have influenced countless other films. His work in the 70s has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the film world, and his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

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