Jackie Chan Seen Getting Off A Plane In 2023

Jackie Chan plans a movie about Chinese earthquake
Jackie Chan plans a movie about Chinese earthquake from www.france24.com

Jackie Chan Seen Getting off a Plane in 2023

The Famous Martial Artist is Still Going Strong

Fans of action movie and martial arts legend Jackie Chan were thrilled to see him disembarking from a plane in 2023. The 74-year-old actor is still going strong, and even after all these years, he still looks as fit and active as ever.

His Stunning Career

Jackie Chan has had an impressive career, having starred in over 150 films. He is best known for his martial arts and stunt work, and has become a beloved figure all over the world. He has won numerous awards and honors throughout his career, including the highest civilian honor in China, the Medal of Honor.

What He's Up To Now

Though Jackie Chan has retired from doing action films, he is still making movies. He is currently working on a new project that he hopes will be released in the near future. He is also working on a book about his life and career, which is sure to be an interesting read.

What the Future Holds

Though Jackie Chan is currently in his seventies, he shows no signs of slowing down. He is still actively involved in the entertainment industry, and is sure to have more projects in the future. Fans of Jackie Chan can look forward to seeing him in more films and TV shows in the years to come.

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